Welcome, Future Time Rich Millionaire


The 4 Ways To Work With Me


#1 Champagne Clients & Clarity™

Champagne Clients & Clarity™ is for entrepreneurs who aren’t messing around. You’re tired of chasing clients, spinning your wheels, and trying to figure out why you’re not hitting six or seven figures. Let me break it down for you: it’s not about working harder—it’s about getting laser-focused on what you’re offering and who you’re offering it to.

This program will get you clear on your messaging, refine your offer, and show you exactly how to land high-ticket clients without the guesswork. You’ll walk away with the clarity to know what works and, more importantly, how to stop doing what doesn’t.

What you get out of this:

  1. Clarity that Converts: No more second-guessing. We’ll nail down your offer and your ideal client so your messaging is irresistible.
  2. Premium Clients, Fast: You’re not here for low-ticket clients. We’ll teach you how to attract high-paying clients who are ready to invest in you NOW.
  3. Simplicity at Scale: You don’t need a complicated business model to make serious money. We’ll simplify your strategy so you can scale without the chaos.
  4. Immediate Cash Flow: This isn’t a long, drawn-out process. You’ll start seeing results quickly, giving you the cash and confidence to reinvest and grow.

Bottom line: If you want to stop chasing clients and start attracting high-ticket buyers who pay what you’re worth, this is it. It’s time to fix the real problem: clarity. Once you’ve got that, everything else falls into place. Ready to start scaling like you mean it? Let’s make it happen.



#2 Time Rich Signature™

Ready to create high-impact, low-maintenance offers?

Time Rich Signature™ gives you the blueprint to build premium digital products, training programs, and hands-free coaching programs designed to deliver stellar results for your clients—with minimal effort from you.

This is your step-by-step guide to creating offers that work for you, not the other way around.

What’s inside Time Rich Signature™:

  1. Create Premium, Low-Maintenance Products
    You’ll learn how to design quality digital products and training programs that deliver consistent, powerful results for your clients—without the need for constant attention or updates.

  2. Hands-Free Signature Coaching Programs
    Build coaching offers that run on autopilot. With hands-free strategies, your clients get exceptional results while you reclaim your time and freedom. Your signature coaching program will be designed to scale, without relying on your constant involvement.

  3. Designed for Results & Ease
    Time Rich Signature™ is all about creating offers that align with your expertise and give your clients the transformation they need. You’ll build products and programs that deliver high value with minimal input, ensuring both client satisfaction and your own time freedom.

  4. Automated Systems for Effortless Scalability
    Learn how to automate the delivery and management of your offers so your business runs smoothly in the background, giving you the time and space to scale effortlessly.

Why Time Rich Signature™ works for you:
This program is about building premium, scalable offers that give your clients real results without draining your time.

With smart design and automation, your offers will run with little to no maintenance, giving you the freedom to focus on the big picture while your business grows.

Key Benefits:

  • Create premium, high-ticket offers that deliver results effortlessly.
  • Design hands-free coaching programs that scale without constant involvement.
  • Low-maintenance digital products and training programs that maximize client results.
  • Automated systems that allow you to scale with freedom and ease.


#3 Effortless Millions Offer Flow™

Ready to create a seamless, automated system that scales your revenue effortlessly?

Effortless Millions Offer Flow™ is your blueprint to strategically design an offer suite where each product, training, and coaching program works together to drive sales. This program shows you how to build a high-impact flow of cross-sells, upsells, and down-sells that maximizes every revenue opportunity—without the extra effort.

Here’s what you’ll get inside Effortless Millions Offer Flow™:

  1. Design a Seamless Offer Flow
    You’ll learn how to strategically connect each product and program so they naturally sell one another. With a cohesive offer flow, your clients move effortlessly from one offer to the next, boosting revenue without the need for manual selling.

  2. Maximize Revenue with Cross-Sells and Upsells
    This program teaches you how to integrate high-value cross-sells and upsells into your offer suite, ensuring that every client interaction increases the lifetime value of your customer. The result? Higher profits with minimal extra effort.

  3. Automate Your Offer Suite for Hands-Free Sales
    Effortless Millions Offer Flow™ is about more than just building offers—it’s about automating them. You’ll set up systems that run in the background, allowing your offer suite to generate consistent sales on autopilot while you focus on scaling.

  4. Build a Business Designed for Freedom and Growth
    With an automated offer flow in place, you’ll free up more time to focus on what matters—scaling your business and enjoying your success. Your business will be designed for both maximum impact and ease, giving you the freedom to grow without the grind.

Why Effortless Millions Offer Flow™ works:
This program is designed to take the guesswork out of scaling. By building an automated offer flow that leverages cross-sells and upsells, you’ll maximize revenue without increasing your workload. Effortless Millions Offer Flow™ sets your business up for long-term, sustainable growth—allowing you to focus on freedom and profit.

Key Benefits:

  • Strategically connect your offers so they sell one another.
  • Boost revenue with cross-sells and upsells that maximize client value.
  • Automate your entire offer suite for hands-free, consistent sales.
  • Scale your business while freeing up more time for what matters most.


#4 The Rich Inner Circle™

Ready to scale your business to the next level while achieving true freedom, profit, and impact? The Rich Inner Circle™ is your all-access pass to every one of my programs, plus exclusive group coaching from me and my team. Designed for ambitious entrepreneurs, this high-touch experience combines advanced business strategies, personalized support, and a powerful mastermind to help you achieve sustainable, scalable success—effortlessly.

Here’s what you’ll get inside The Rich Inner Circle™:

  1. Full Access to All of My Programs
    Gain instant access to my entire suite of programs, from Champagne Clients & Clarity™ to Effortless Millions Offer Flow™ and more. You’ll have the resources to implement proven strategies at every level of your business, helping you scale faster with less work.

  2. Direct Group Coaching from Me and My Team
    Join exclusive group coaching sessions where you’ll receive personalized guidance from both me and my team. We’ll help you refine your business strategies, solve challenges, and provide actionable steps to accelerate your growth.

  3. Advanced Wealth and Business Strategies
    Discover next-level systems that top entrepreneurs use to create wealth, freedom, and impact. These advanced strategies are designed to help you scale effortlessly, increase profits, and free up more time for the things that matter most.

  4. Wealth Mindset Activation and Freedom Systems
    Master the wealth mindset and implement systems that generate consistent income without consuming your time. We’ll show you how to build a business that aligns with your vision of freedom and abundance, giving you the lifestyle you deserve.

  5. Exclusive Mastermind Community
    Surround yourself with a curated group of high-level entrepreneurs in our private mastermind. Share insights, collaborate, and receive support from peers who are just as committed to scaling their businesses and achieving success as you are.

Why The Rich Inner Circle™ is the ultimate solution:
This isn’t just about access to coaching and programs—it’s about transforming your business and life. The Rich Inner Circle™ gives you everything you need to scale your business, increase your income, and enjoy more freedom. With direct support from me, my team, and a community of like-minded entrepreneurs, you’ll achieve results faster and with greater ease than ever before.

Key Benefits:

  • Full access to all of my programs for comprehensive business growth.
  • Exclusive group coaching with me and my team for personalized, actionable guidance.
  • Advanced strategies to scale your business and create sustainable wealth.
  • Wealth mindset activation and freedom systems to align with your vision.
  • A supportive mastermind community for accountability and next-level collaboration.


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Word on the street...

Just a few of the many testimonials from happy clients.

Jeni Hott 🌿
Founder of Time Rich™